Thursday, December 16, 2010


after sleep, next best evil is constant remembrance/inclination to be sad or anxious

My Universe

Context: Practice

Well minfulness (not bare mindfulness, but sampajjana with understanding of non-self and impermanence) means that nothing is more important than awareness of mental qualities and our non reaction to these.

Sampajjana is a state when one can be reactionless at all times, and still work with thoughts and involvements. Perception remains, thought/s remains, awareness toward sensations remain and relative equanimity (to the extent one can muster up) remains at All Times, even while sleeping :)

I mean one has to use thoughts and cant be blank at all times. There is motion, there is touch and one has to use thoughs and recolections even if one wants to go to the loo, to 'remember' the way to it, to differentiate between a men's facility and a woman's -

One has to place priority. Things that are in the lower order, remain there, even if they take my time full force. This moment, this activity, is a small speck in the universe. And I look at it from there, even as I take care of 'my' little activity.