Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kill me Joy

Sure gonna die!

Keeping Good Company

Were I a magician, the strongest magic potions would have been the five moral precepts*

Coming back to the good company part does start from good moral precepts and grows with time and metta. The Sangha renders a lot of intangible substrates that do become tangible effectively.

All I say here is get rid of bad company, all you will be left with will be good company, even if you are left with nothing!

Good company is people who can speak the truth, who are not greedy, who are on the path of dhamma! These people/merit will be your guide till you reach the final goal, even as you see noone around you, this will intervene and interfere in your dreams, in your life, in incidents and leave you drenched with love, at times unexpectedly ... without leaving a trace behind


About the Blog

This blog is more or less uselss, even for me.

Like most religious texts, it only talks About it. I do not give any info about practicing vipassana, it is only this practice that automatically brings about changes*. I do not mention anything about the technique, but only talk of things like shedding passion, how does it help the layman?? I dont have an answer! It does open things to wrong interpretation. Meditative life is both tough and easy, freaking tough and freaking easy!

*Largely because there are already well-structured centers teaching the technique, I m one of the millions who are touched.