Sunday, January 24, 2010

Carriers of Circmstance

The thing about wisdom is that it is larger than us.

I got up from tea very very irritated at what she said. She was there when I was born and I had considered her my strength and resort in the years when none around me seemed 'right'. She seemed a pillar of strength and dignity. Dignity in hardship was what she stood for ... she said something so deluded. She must be mad. Overtime I had realised how partial she was to her kin, how her genuine goodness got colored by the mean folks she is with. But the core hasnt changed and she is still open to goodness. At 80, cynicism has not quite set in. But I can see how bad environments can ruin such beautiful folks.

So, I heard such unpleasant words from her. Wisdom says I had to face it and she is a carrier of circumstance. Not her fault. She will function and I have to breathe it out. I wont give a damn to what she said, correct her and might help her, if nothing else, love her from a distance.

I felt detached. Dukkha ... good or bad we all fall down someday, its brilliant how this fact gives so much energy to meditate!