Monday, April 12, 2010

Tied to Time

So much of what we do … is affected by time. Are you young or old, with little time or much, busy or idle? How much time do you think you have? Monks are perpetually blamed for wasting so much time ; )

So much of shit happens because we think life is short? So many advertisements sell saying something to the effect “You aint got much time, life is short—indulge, buy our products!”

… for monks this sense of immediacy doesn’t seem to work, I find that charming in a yogi. But this laxity is only an apparent thing I discovered later. Monks are charged with a sense of urgency, but it doesn’t make them indulge, or rather stops them from stray-indulge in many many useless pursuits … they step back (concentrate) and observe whats more important issue to deal with, “So if I get my next meal and a drink of clean water, what shud be my most urgent task?”—the answer usually is to build the capacity of mind for deeper insights (for me). So our yogi wraps her legs and sit straight in Vipassana.

So again:

So much of shit happens because we think life is short? So many advertisements sell saying something to the effect “You aint got much time, life is short—indulge, buy our products!”

Start meditating and its silliness will be evident to you. You will find connected to this vast expanse of Time. There is no hurry. Will you do different things if there were no hurry?

Uu would become zen-like.
Ahh… here comes the second post Tied to Time II-A Post on memory

Tied to Time II

Time seems to be forcing babies into toddlers, toddlers to young chaps, young ones to old guys. There is some discrepancy that makes us become forgetful. We don’t seem to be carrying all of our time with us. Every experience fades, becomes dull. What is it about the present moment that is so lively? It is the same difference between a dead corpse and a breathing one. To usher life is to have remembrance, of not just this moment but a sensibility of many many past ones, an expanse in time, capacity rendered by meditation. When you have this sensibility of time in all moments, you seem to see that so much of what you chase is ‘empty experience’—that, in effect, is a waste of time. I could go on a bit on this, but I intended this blog so that it may be understood by non-meditators too. Also, I can only share my intentions on meditation here…

So back to the relevance of great memory that these meditators seem to ‘get’ … this memory brings about a change in perspective. With this extraordinary capacity to recall, each experience becomes lively, even the ones in the past, ‘desire’ to live it again and again dies. Like typically the monk will not desire food to find the same great taste but will only eat enough to sustain. These changes come gradually, until a great wondrous change comes in a sweeeeep ))))))))))) All yogis aim for this experience of complete liberation from empty stupid experiences/compulsions.

* This memory/recollection also acts like a catharsis, you may have felt angry and embarrassed experiencing something as a child or an adult, but now, recollecting that event, you only smile at it! So much of it is forgiven with time, but for it to take effect you have to recollect effectively, more of something like letting it come to the surface and sizzle out without you being affected this time, just sitting with the buddha smile. May be meditate some more, lv

Clear Confidence

Defiance comes from confidence. Some mistakes also come from confidence;) but thats not what we talk about…I talk about confidence that comes, something that I call clear confidence

This confidence makes you sure of something new. Every ‘new’ seems to be singing the same old song. Needless to say here is no young and old here, no one is more beautiful or bold than the other. Yeah since this confidence is more of the spiritual sort you are calling for a lot of acceptance to things. This confidence settles the mind and makes it like clear waters. Its clear confidence. You may start with having confidence in some god or cult of mysticism where you think its cool to do so, but you end up only reaping the factor the capacity to have confidence. Once you have confidence, you are exceptional.