Monday, March 12, 2012

Relaxed is Strong

(Last few months traveling and moving in and out of places to live in, I lost weight and felt weak. Air has been so polluted that I even stopped doing yoga as inhaling deeper will cause more harm than help!)

There was rain and thunder last night (and earthquake tremor), since rain cleared the air this morning I grabbed the opportunity to do yoga for an hour.
Stretching, staying, I understood that relaxed is strength. There is some kind of power and balance in a relaxed body. You can increase or say access more strength if you are deeply relaxed (and actually do more work). It was also during relaxation that I discovered ‘fear’, sitting quite nicely under contracted chest. I started breathing in a stretched yoga pose and realized I was involuntarily stocking fear around the heart area. Breathing wasn’t right.

Once I discovered that I was generating an undercurrent of fear, I could work on relaxing chest muscles, breathing softly and deeply. Being aware (mindfulness meditation), and with right contemplation.

Body relaxed, I could go deeper into the postures.
I saw how yoga must have instrumental to check various things, assist mindfulness, check diseases and clear out mind blocks.

Basically the most important lesson I seemed to have learnt today during that hour was that a very relaxed mind, is a very strong mind, especially under stress.

In the metro right now :)