There are times when you discover you have left a lot behind. In meditative life people call it passing through stations. Innumerable stations to pass through, but yeah these are like some kind of markers.
What I write from here is going to change a bit. My experiences is becoming more experiential I may not be able to say a lot of relevant things cuz a lot of it is about ‘doing’, but will still try to narrate.
One post that has been simmering is Notions of the Body
“Notions of the Body”
This happened some Saturdays back. It is usually on Saturday that I meditate for a full day. Keeping Sunday for chores. But since practice and realization go hand in hand it is usually Saturday that I get some updates on med. Its like practicing, experiencing and keeping the mindfulness continuous for some hours opens up some channels. Like physically I last longer in the gym, food intake goes low, you talk less, and basically breathe easy, letting in some knowledge.
Usually I stick around the nostrils to watch my breath. Traditionally some people watch the belly (in meditation) ha ha. So … I notice my attention shift to the belly, rising and falling with in and out breaths and the idea flashed through … notions of the body. The ref. is mahasattipathanna sutta, I understood some, some identification trickled down, what could have been meant by body. I am yet to cover a lot and know only practice is going to help, continuous practice. Promising myself a lovely trip in the hills once my project gets over, around summer-end. Give myself some long loving meditation sessions. Btw: I realized one cant meditate with guilt stuck up inside, get rid of it, all of us! No lametation, no guilt, just work, strive on the path diligently.