The theme of non-me continues, even after the retreat is long over ... ah! in so many ways the retreat is not over:))
... I have been practicing regularly and I remember one stance from the retreat, meself thinking ... "to enter samadhi body has to be relaxed (mind has to be relaxed and kept agile/attentive) ... develop a sense of Panya leading to greater equanimity (samatha), develop and stregthn non-self based on experiential reality (sub-atomic particles or 'kalapas' arising and passing simultaneously).
This lead to the first taste of body breaking into the elements, of the four elements I found the air element ruling, at the time of observation ... I am back home preparing for the twenty day retreat ahead has been a great support. I also came across *translated abhidhamma text and read on 54 kinds of citta ... continuity of 'my' practice will be based on experience otherwise all words are superfluous, but again words of guidance at the right time work like magic.
Fortunately I have the sattipathana sutta explained in 8 VCDs ;) ah! lovely :P
Bought new pyjama and Ts for the retreat la la