Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Honey Tea

Practice brings rich rewards. Of the more mundane but important things - Woke up early , yoga (twenty mins) and breakfast, and as dawn breaks am sitting outside with tulsi(basil) and honey tea, rain drops adding in as I sit outside with tea in my hand - its cold and expansive.

Enjoying the morning, loving, before work - got a regular long day at work.

Do emotions touch you?

Touch is only symbolic here. You will know you are detached when emotions do not 'touch' you


What is it to truly be unbiased and completely loving towards oneself and others – in practical terms?

Sigh! Overtime, many times I tried to completely forgive, the key was in observing the bodily sensations without bias.

I notice that when one is observing the nature of sensation, cognition too undergoes change. It is no longer possible to observe these sensations as ‘pain’ or ‘pleasure’ – these no longer hold as 'constructs'.

Closer to the nature of reality the mind automatically observes sensations as heat, pressure/lightness, and fluidity etc. – four elements.

Do not resist 'pain' or memory of 'pain'
One useful tip that helped me here be unbiased (was strong morality and simplistic view of things)was to not resist . Let it come up and clear off, as you watch it umoved as sensations-mere sensations. Do not deny its occurence trying to create multiple versions of your reality, because the body (or the mind) is in witnessing a state, and the effective way to just be mindful of that state to not be in denial, simultaneously the effective way to not give ‘in’ to that state and not habitually/compulsively act on it is to be detached (kind of tricky). Middle way exactly- yes! Such maginificent proportions of factors in middle way I had never imagined before, as if a middle way between two worlds:)

Quicksan metaphor (Quicksand akin to 'suffering'/woeful state)
Much like quicksand, do not fumble too much in misery, carefully move out of the state. Even as you swim through it to come out giving up resistance is like giving up nervousness and fumbling of being in quicksand. Calm and tranquility assist you to ‘act’ wisely and decision to start making your way instead of just throwing your limbs around undirected, assisted by energy, right actions and hope, you to safe land-Refuge.