She got cellulitis, severe. Spread rapidly by the second day ended.
I took her to the doc. Hm, he identified that it was not a simple infected wound but Cellultis. Gave intravenous antibiotics and dressed the wound, indifferently. I came back and checked the symptoms and looked up the medicines on the web and felt satisfied with the doctor’s diagnosis.
Now the wound kept getting worse. I asked my grandmom, “Dear, do you like the doctor?” She shook her head. So on the third day we went to another doc. He did a minor surgery, just in time.
The wound and the swelling receded. And then today it started swelling again. I had by now read so much about cellulitis … I called the doc who wasn’t available. Within a few hours I knew it will get much worse. I opened the bandage and cleaned the wound … I found the skin around the wound had turned all black and I gently massaged the skin, and then the whole foot. I kept speaking kind words and suddenly I notice that after an hour of massage the skin is healthy and grandmother who was crying with pain was now smiling.
The skin that had a dead bluish hue, now seemed perfectly good brown. I think we feel more alive when someone we love lends us a touch. I kept up touching her lovingly. Soon the swelling was gone, for the first time in ten days.
To heal we ought to feel loved.