Monday, February 8, 2010


Though low on music I started on some sounds:
Majushri Mantra
and things like:

Nothing seemed to happen for months, though I did calm down, the mantras replacing other thoughts and filling my mind with sounds reminding me of associations, boddhisatvas, pragya and most importantly metta, giving a rhythm ... everything seemed to remind me of purity and love.

Then on Thursday I put on headphones to attend a training, I opened a * 4 minute chant out of habit, something stirred so massively I was close to tears, my face lost the usual 'normal' expression ... I just wanted to cry, got close to tears and in a few seconds went back to work!
Work is work ;)


There is love n respect. Someone just returned from Japan, talked of respect as 'culture' ... may be it can be more real. May be love is respect, may be bravery is respect, may be love is respect LOL

...had last meal of the day at 5, a small serving of boiled Chickpea and an apple, will spend the evening doing Yoga, starts at 7!