Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Letter to Meditator: Expectations as Hindrance

Look at how we grasp things.

It is a little less than inspiring to see power hungry people. It is not nice to see someone gorge hungrily on food, when they have already have had enough.

Something in us intuitively seeks balance.

I discovered it is not just the disliked object that we feel not so happy about, but also something larger, deeper, notional. We are afraid of the unnaturalness, the 'false' hunger. Our needs are actually a lot less than what we demand from life.

Wanting is endless. The chase after wants is tiring. Hard work is to be aware of these processes right in the beginning, before the wanting becomes a very strong habit pattern in the mind. Before we become a prey to a 'false' want. Sometimes this dunzie/false want lasts for a lifetime, say keeping up with a relationship we never wanted in the first place-yet how we cling! Or it could be keeping secure some denial we experienced as a kid. A lifetime of regret. Sometimes, a lifetime of chase for something we just 'thought' we wanted.
Is it okay to step back and see if we really want what we want? Take some time to question yourself, your beliefs, I mean just to get more real about our directions.
:) Takes practice.

Here is a short two minute video

One has to be really relaxed to chuck things out. Things inspired by a comparison, an advert, something we read ... desires that just creep in insidiously. We need to be aware at the time of mind taking that input, but it is difficult ... so take time out to review string mind moments when we were reactive. You will discover significant (yet funny things), like sometimes we begin to want, ironically, things that we hate - do you remember checking the facebook profile of someone you dont err like? Craziness!

So one has to get rid of digressions, that actually run much deeper than we think. As you progress, you will discover we need a lot less than what we have been chasing.

Personally, I have discovered, I have made superior progress in my materialistic goals when I removed expectations that halter me, this took literally several weeks of relaxation. I had to take expectations off layer by layer, sometimes painfully. And let go. I had to come to understand areas that caused constant stress and were actually running opposite to some larger goals. Had to cut a lot off my back. took a lot of revisiting. Yet the key was to be aware in the now, and see what direction is my mind taking, and steer it and question it if it is a 'false' direction am going in.

Its not that you would always do something you 'like'. But at least you will be able to be in a non-dual mind state. Like you might me writing a report you really want, and clearly that is the direction mind is taking. And then there is a digression of wanting something to eat. At this point before walking off the report: I would have considered this (when did I eat last, is this hunger 'real' or false distraction). If it is real hunger I wont call it distraction, and I will in all probability come back to my report, starting from where I left it.

Removing these expectations are like removing hindrances. It will also help you face unpleasant tasks more effectively. You will see the clarity, and the difference between need and desire. It is more effective and more in the face looking at Facts, and drawing inspiration from your goals.

Am writing this to you, after shedding some weight. After a terrificly irritating incident. I write to you after succeeding in revising my expectation and achieving a personal positive end. This small victory gave me courage to write this. Am thankful for this clear articulation on mental process, and hope it benefits you shed some unnecessary weight. It helps in meditation:)
