“You might remember times when you were completely in the wrong, bad and mean, or ignorant and immoral. Might be times when your heart was pure, and good”
-Practicing Lay Person
I heard this guy say this quote above this week at the group sit. Pretty ripe, old man. He said that he learnt to live now, just learnt driving a car, and just learnt being mindful – yeah, quite a lot to say in one sentence.
What I kept learning this week (if there is a such thing ‘week’), was to recognize, to see. Earlier if I felt energy I will waste it, if I did not feel it then I will crave it …
To know things to be anicca, anatta, dukkha, to treat stuff as same, ahh to recognize this and still work, truthfully.
You know, I was coming back from work, train of thoughts lead to the same realization that had come in myriad ways - all experience to be just that, anicca.
As soon as I realize this, my body relaxed, with each breath the body could relax, breathe through the knots, let it break loose. Doing yoga it did occur that it was better to just breathe ... long way, need sati first.
It is good merits that people become skillful - memory, inclination, capacity to learn and understand Dhamma.