Patanjali mentioned this in his yoga sutras (and Buddha too)
Patanjali/Buddha talked of three kinds of intuitive knowledge
Sutmaya Pragya (heard or received knowledge, say information u gather when you read etc.)
Chintamaya Pragya ( knowledge through deduction, reasoning, contemplation – not direct)
Bhanvanamaya Pragya (Experiential knowledge)
Just wanted to share this before we ‘begin’ this post
There is connectedness (when people talk of universality) that is most often lost or misunderstood as and when it is quoted and re-interpreted.
Unity or onesness that we feel as a mystic quality is not so mystic after all, I err think. (All this “I am / I am the Universe/ I am You … is sort of nasty etched with pride of a literally 'bloated' ego. If there is no 'I' there is no 'you', or rule out relativity/duality/whatever!)
It is good to talk about what is, rather than what is not, so:
It appears, what it truly means is something more humbling :)
It means that we are not ‘special’, not different as a subject of natural laws that operate our minds and body, than other beings subjected to it. That we are not special, .... humbling isnt it, not even one of us:)
So mindful of how or in what light we make our mental/vocal/physical actions defines a lot about us, just as it would define for any other creature with the capacity to perform these actions. We are no different, no exceptions to the Truth. In that sense, yeah, we are one with the universe. Its a deep err ...realization, the deeper you go - the more connected, more in sync, the more perfect your being will be :)
Just that.