Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Joy of Solitude

Does existence seem binding when you associate. There seems to be a craziness in being alone. At least I will feel more free diving from a (low)cliff. ... right into the Ganges:)

My heart sings and I tend to observe more things around me. I try to stay younger and feel less attached to things around. I dont have to own up/cover for someone else's stupidity. I care about larger, more relevant things...and do not care for luxuries. Perfumes, good mattress, good car ... u need all that when u well... but being single is magical, u dont 'need' all that stuff, not that much! There is no subtle pretence, no real pretence, you can stink and not feel all too bad. And most of all you can wrap your legs, in meditation, anytime you get time!

I could go on and on.

But the real stuff is that being single is a world of difference. It is very very different from being in a relationship/wanting to be in a relationship. Watch the sway of such people when they walk, they tread different lands. They own themselves like no one else. Bloody lions!