Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Looking at things

No matter how advanced in meditation, I observed what I would like in a meditator is how much space s/he has

Like, looking back, I thought to myself it is not about how poor or how good I am at it already, its about being basic, being simple, bring Truthful to myself. I might have a rich bank balance of good karma or not, the only thing that matters is that I had the fortune to listen and practice dhamma. Also, it really does not matter where on the path I stand, I have to set sight on the next pace and the final goal, no left or right ;)

It becomes easier to know u have to be/act the same, keep getting lighter. Some have made tremendous progress without knowing much, or having extraordinary skills, they just had a simpler disposition ... I think thats what matters in ultimate success. Simple, clear, noble wins, no matter how big or small
