Saturday, February 26, 2011


My mind is loaded with delusion - and its delightful how am observing it, wading it.

Its difficult and sometimes overwhelms, myriad things, and my head peeps up and out of the water ever so frequently now.

There is a slight undercurrent of amusement, I never faced the familiar delusion with greater humor (if not better 'calm')

Much lv


My status message the past few days:

Knowing spreads like flood, far and wide. And the old river disappears into oblivion.

Current status:

Not seeking comfort, there is ceasing of desire. For the one not seeking comfort, there is no discomfort.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mind Feed

I do not like to feed the mind.

Ignorance feeds the mind.

Denying the feed, keeps the mind lean and clean.


I try not to feed the mind on thoughts.

Ignorance feeds the mind.

Denying the feed, keeps the mind lean and clean.


Saturday, February 12, 2011


To not go where the call is from
to not be in any place they call 'home'

To wander alone under the sky
to stop, pause and question the 'why'

To not go where the call is from
to not be in any place they call 'home'

Sing the sacred song
to not be the singer, but the song

To not go where the call is from
to not be in any place they call 'home'

To not just 'do' here
to 'be' just everywhere

To not go where the call is from
to not be in any place they call 'home'

Ahh is it this space that they call is love
in the space below, and in space above

To not go where the call is from
to not be in any place they call 'home'

To not listen to the 'want', to not live the call of fear
to just efficiently be, and yet not hold anything dear

To not go where the call is from
to not be in any place they call 'home'

To be , just be, just be
ya to be, just be, just be

Friday, February 11, 2011

Becoming the Universe

If you dont know meditation, you might have to be a little sympathetic for me to read this post :P

So I start from the middle of somewhere:

This morning as I sat at the tip of the yoga mat, waiting and relaxing before the yoga, my mind began investigating.

Lot of pressing things, yet my mind would choose 'space'

and continue something I begin thinking about during a pee-break at work, as I looked up at nothing as and wondered about 'nothingness'

Quoting Albert Einstein
A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Now, continuing with the theme of the last couple of posts, nothingness expanse, less defilements (delusion) and back to me sitting at the edge of yoga mat. Sitting and exploring.

When there are little defilements, there no 'bends', the mind becomes expansive.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Morality Sets You Free

I do not seem to find sufficient emphasis on morality in the practice. Many people feel shy of speaking about 'morality'. May be they fear they will sound conventional and rigid if they talk about morality.

Morality is a new fad.

It has been an old conventional history where people lie, kill, cheat and deceive. An old view of the world, where we do not 'trust' others, not even ourselves.

Unfortunately, it seems uncommon to love with dignity (people find a lot of 'pride' in restraining and cutting off relationships, sometimes that is the only way they know to maintain their 'dignity').

Loving is the simpler way:)

It is a journey of understanding, and putting to practice the loving kindness that is possible when one intends no harm. One practices with discretion; knowing and differentiating between acts that are harmful to oneself (and others), and acts (of mind, body and speech) that are beneficial for oneself (and thus, others).
At this point, I do not find it surprising that in the chant for metta, they have included a stanza that mention “may no one deceive another …”.

It is only when we practice the precepts (i.e. do not lie - nah, not even to ourselves) that the journey begins, and it is with the Truth that the suffering ends.

Defilements, as they deplete, the Samadhi become deeper and stronger.
More capable of meditative effort, of meditative concentration seeping in daily activities – in each activity. One becomes a beautiful translation of meditation, performing each activity with a base of a loving heart. Becoming honest in work and ethical. Abiding by the universal laws of dhamma: practicing right speech, right livelihood, giving dana, committed, sincere and caring for one's family.

Defilements deplete when one can ‘work’ with them and get rid of them by not giving in to old habit patterns in our daily activities. Step by step, meeting the same moment with a different 'mind' with each breath, renewed, meet again:)

A more ‘aware’ mind, a better, more loving and healthier mind. Every moment mind keeps coming out of ‘patterns’ and constructs when we enter each moment with the practice of Samadhi*-

In each activity the same kind of purity and calm (state of mind/concentration) as one is capable of when in ‘sitting meditation, strong practice.

I made mistakes. Time to love yourself even more. Wake up, get up, dust yourself if need be and apply understanding again. Renew morality - it works!

*Samadhi in Vipassana is a very aware state. A tranquil mind with elements of joy and penetrating deep awareness.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tough Women

There are a few things one feels one can not get enough of. Like attention.


Learning and shedding weight of delusion, I discover scope for so much more learning. (Glad to discover this at each juncture.)

Problems become pointers, and as I leave my old-self, I feel better

to not be deluded anymore, to not 'want' anymore. To not be a 'woman' anymore.

I do not seem to be relating to the gaze of men, to the slights and the praise, to the attention and the passion, as if none of these things are of central concern. I can talk to people without feeling much about their gender. Had been such for a very long time, but as one practices one needs to be mindful of the 'matter'.

I am surprised how I was such a naive, ignoramus, and deluded!

When did my conceit regarding 'gender' leave me?? ... it left such a big hole behind, and a breath of fresh air ;)