Monday, July 19, 2010


Samadhi is concentraition, its a tool, the real work is that of Sampajañña. Cognition, ability, possibility, equanimity all reside in it, it becomes the stepping stones. Breath alone will not take us there, Sampajañña ... being aware of the sensations, Kayanupassana, vedananupassana, cittanupassana, dhammanupassana ... vipassana

Special terms that vipassana meditators will understand

Kayanupassana Sathipatana – Cultivate Minfulness of the Body
Vedhananupassana Sathipatana – Cultivate Minfulness of the feelings
Cittanupassana Sathipatana – Cultivate Minfulness of the thoughts andmind
Dhammanupassana Sathipatana- Cultivate Minfulness of all Dhammas (phenomena)

Going for the 20-day retreat in a few minutes:)

Monday, July 12, 2010


As a wordling living in the world of responsibilites and compulsions (of having to provide food and shelter for ourselves), there are times when we cant provide or fulfill, we tend to err evaluate.

I live in a country where they still burn young brides to death, reasons are varied, the bride might not have brought enough dowry, has refused to comply to husband's demands, is not living up to the family's demands of slavery and irrationality, anything. So much irrational is going on here. My own father would hurl words of abuse alongwith any 'request' to polish his shoes or get him a glass of water, mom tried to teach me to comply.
Beautiful life turns ugly because someone somewhere has failed to respect themselves, with an unwholesome sense of self-depreciation they turn towards others. And what can you expect-ugliness?

I am always struck by the misery of others, and this is not a weakness. I find it great that for very high stakes I stood by what I thought was right ... numerous numerous times. Nothing great came out, except for internal quest for more ... better understanding. I find I cant go out party living in my country where so many suffer...
... it has not been possible to ignore the suffering and then you disocver the noble truths.

So next time when you judge, judge the outsides as miserable and poor, and without a sense of depreciation go and set it right. When you see that your clothes are dirty and without indulging any thoughts of misery you go and do your laundry, do the same for the inside, when you find miserable thoughts, do not self-depreciate, or over indulge ... just set it right

Sunday, July 11, 2010


The theme of non-me continues, even after the retreat is long over ... ah! in so many ways the retreat is not over:))

... I have been practicing regularly and I remember one stance from the retreat, meself thinking ... "to enter samadhi body has to be relaxed (mind has to be relaxed and kept agile/attentive) ... develop a sense of Panya leading to greater equanimity (samatha), develop and stregthn non-self based on experiential reality (sub-atomic particles or 'kalapas' arising and passing simultaneously).

This lead to the first taste of body breaking into the elements, of the four elements I found the air element ruling, at the time of observation ... I am back home preparing for the twenty day retreat ahead has been a great support. I also came across *translated abhidhamma text and read on 54 kinds of citta ... continuity of 'my' practice will be based on experience otherwise all words are superfluous, but again words of guidance at the right time work like magic.
Fortunately I have the sattipathana sutta explained in 8 VCDs ;) ah! lovely :P

Bought new pyjama and Ts for the retreat la la

